If you have already had cataract surgery but notice vision loss or glare over time, you may need additional surgery. The most popular post-cataract surgery is YAG laser capsulotomy. At Visionary Eye Doctors, our eye care professionals have the knowledge and experience of this procedure to help restore your vision.

What is a Posterior Capsular Opacification

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure designed to remove the cloudy lens from the eye. It involves replacing this impaired natural lens with a clear, artificial one to restore vision.

After you have life-changing procedure, you may need more assistance for the best results. This is because scar tissue formation, also known as a secondary cataract, can develop on the back of your new artificial lens. When this happens, it can cause similar symptoms to cataracts, such as blurry vision and glare. The development of scar tissue on the back of your new intraocular lens is often called posterior capsular opacification, or PCO.

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Cataract Evaluation

What is a YAG Capsulotomy?

A YAG laser capsulotomy is a surgical procedure that uses laser technology to remove scar tissue, which allows light to pass through and improves your vision.

The YAG laser capsulotomy is performed right in the office and only takes a few minutes. In most cases, the improvement in vision is permanent, and you will not need to undergo the procedure again. 

However, in some cases, the capsule can become cloudy again, and a second YAG laser capsulotomy may be needed. This procedure is a safe and effective option to restore vision affected by posterior capsule opacification after cataract surgery.

What Happens During a YAG Laser Capsulotomy?

After numbing the surface of your eyes with eye drops, your eye doctor will use the YAG laser treatment to emit short bursts of light that are directed at any posterior capsule opacification. This removes any scar tissue, which will clear your vision.

Posterior Capsulotomy Side Effects

After the procedure, your eye doctor may give you eye drops to help your eyes recover and reduce inflammation. It is important to follow the specific instructions from your eye doctor and follow up after a YAG laser capsulotomy so that they can monitor your eyes and ensure that the procedure is effective. 

As with most laser surgery, recovery time is quick and patients are usually able to resume normal activities within a day.

Schedule Your YAG Laser Capsulotomy At Visionary Eye Doctors

Are you experiencing vision problems or noticing glare after your cataract surgery? Don’t let blurry vision hold you back—schedule an appointment with Visionary Eye Doctors in Rockville, MD, today! Our expert team is ready to assess your situation and provide the care you need to see the world clearly again.