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Say Goodbye to Dry Eye Syndrome
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Dry Eye Symptoms & Diagnosis
About Dr. Sandra
Lora Cremers
Think You May Have Dry Eyes?
Our Dry Eye Treatment Approach
About Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry Eye is the most prevalent eye disease in the United States
- As many as 30 million suffers in the U.S.
- Affects both men and women, young and old
- 3.8 billion spent annually on treatment
- Affects more than 14% of Americans, Affects 30% of individuals over 50
- Only about 5% of those suffering from dry eye have been diagnosed and treated
- On the rise with the use of computers, digital devices
- Of all contact lens wearers, 21 million may be affected
Many people, whether they are aware of it or not, suffer from dry eyes. Dry eye syndrome (DES) is one of the most common yet most underdiagnosed conditions affecting the health of the eye. We are learning now that the complex nature of dry eye can begin as young as six (6) years old and continues throughout a patient’s life. A recent study noted severe dry eye patients’ time trade off and quality of life scores similar to those patients affected by chronic angina (chest pain) and patients on dialysis. This demonstrates how debilitating severe dry eye disease can be.
Learn More About Dry Eye